Go to Tools -> Option from the menu strip. Select “Excel Export” tab, where you can add, remove, or reorder Excel columns in the way you like.
The file size can grow large because the records of sacrificed mice are kept. We suggest that you regularly clean up the records of sacrificed mice in the past (e.g. over a year ago) at View -> List of Sacrificed Mice on the menu strip.
On the menu strip, go to File -> Import.
Select the males and females that you bred by Ctrl + Click. If they are in different cages (e.g. you just put them together overnight), select those cages by Ctrl + Click, and then choose the mice you bred. Lastly, click “Mate” on the menu panel to record mating.
Select the mouse you would like to get reminders for. Click “Reminders” button on the menu panel and enter the harvest age. The reminders will appear on the Calendar which is also available on the menu panel. Note that for reminders of embryonic ages, you must properly record mating, because MouseJ calculates embryonic ages based on the most recent mating.
You have to record mating first (see “How do I record breeding/mating?”). Next, select the mouse of interest and click “Record” on the menu panel. There, you can record the presence of plugs for every mating you performed.
If you create pups using the “Pups” button on the menu panel, the software automatically records parents for you. To properly record father, you must record mating for the mother, because MouseJ records the partner of the most recent mating as the father.
Select the mother and click “Pups” button on the menu panel. The mother must have been marked as Pregnant, which you can do on the menu panel as well.
You can separate a litter of pups by selecting the litter, and click “Wean” button on the menu panel. You will be prompted a form to enter information for each mouse.
We understand the certain icons may or may not be useful to you. You can customize the visibility of icons at Tools -> Option on the menu strip.
“Unknown User” is just a default username for everyone. You can set your username at Tools -> Option located on the menu strip.
This occurred because a bug in the program caused it to crash, or at least “halt” its state. PLEASE email us with the error message and the operations you attempted so we can fix the issue right away (email address can be found in “About Us” page). While it is usually OK to click “Continue” and resume the program, it is strongly not advisable to use the function that has a bug. We are working hard during the beta-stage to eliminate all bugs.